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Magic Reggie Botanicals

Uchu Sanango

Uchu Sanango

Regular price $175.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $175.00 USD
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Tabernaemontana undulata

Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana sananho) works on restoring the body on
a cellular level and is also known to aid in memory enhancement.

Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana Sananho) also known as Abuelo Sanango or Grandfather Sanango. It is a well known plant Spirit doctor growing in the upper Amazon basin. It is taken as a health tonic for the treatment of many ailments. The locals use it as a febrifuge (fever reducer), emetic, diuretic, and calmative, and it can aid in the healing and realigning of the muscular and skeletal systems.

Uchu Sanango has also been known to perform as a memory enhancer. The alkaloids help reset our neural pathways allowing neurotransmitters to be received, thereby enhancing memory. It also works at the cellular level, cleansing and restoring as it moves throughout the body. It is a powerful doctor spirit and can provide immense healing, guidance, and strength during Ayahuasca ceremonies. It is commonly added to the Ayahuasca brew at the Shaman’s discretion.

Uchu Sanango is also known as “peppery” or “fiery” Sanango. It utilizes a “hot” energy while moving through the body, burning negative energy at the cellular level. It is also hot and spicy to the taste. The intense effects may make the dieter physically off-balance, weakened, dizzy, and can induce vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and the experience of an electrical “buzzing” sensation. This is due to the intense and accelerated releasing of toxins, energy, tensions, and blockages in the body. The eyesight can also be adversely affected (blurred vision). The dieter can also expect to be in a dreamlike state while awake. This is the ideal state for the Sanango spirit to come into union and commune with the dieter. The strongest physical discomfort usually passes by the 3rd day of the diet. Each dieter will have different physical reactions to this medicine. Support is always available if one needs help bathing or going to the bathroom.

If the dieter is open and ready with a sense of respect, the Sanango plant is a very powerful and efficient teacher. The Sanango will induce a “reboot” program on multiple levels within the body. All the discomforts that accompany a Sanango diet are a result of the ‘hard reboot’ taking place.

The dieter will remain in isolation for 8 days and is encouraged to take frequent baths, possibly with leaves if prescribed by the Shaman. Bathing is very important while on this diet in order to cool the body and cleanse it of released toxins. The cool stream water is extremely refreshing, especially during the more challenging phases of the diet. When it is time to break the diet, the Shaman will administer a salt mouthwash and the dieter may re-enter the group and society as a whole. Please see the Important Disclaimer at the bottom of the page regarding breaking this diet.
This information is gathered directly from

The genus Tabernaemontana is composed of some 120 tropical and several subtropical species
(Sierra et al. 1991). Most occur in tropical rain forests, especially in Central and South America
and in Africa (Schultes 1979). In Africa, many species are used for ethnomedicinal purposes
(Omino and Kokwaro 1993*). Linnaeus developed the genus name to honor the naturalist and
“father of botany” Jakob Theodor, called Tabernaemontanus (1522–1590). Phytochemical
studies of the genus have only recently taken place.Indole alkaloidsdominate; several species
have been found to contain ibogaine and voacangine (cf. Tabernanthe iboga, Voacanga spp.).
As a result, this genus is of special interest in the search for new psychoactive plants. Several
species with psychoactive effects and uses have already become known. In Amazonia,
the sanango tree, which can grow as tall as 5 meters, is regarded as a cure-all; the leaves, the
root, and the latex-rich bark are all used in folk medicine (Schultes 1979, 187 ff.). The leaves of
the tree are used psychoactively as an additive to ayahuasca and also are combined
with Virola spp. to produce an orally efficacious hallucinogen. The plant is also called uch pa
huasca sanango and is known as a “memory plant,” a reference to the fact that its inclusion in a
psychoactive preparation causes a person to better remember the experiences he or she has had
while under the influence of that preparation. It is added to ayahuasca so that a person can,
afterward, more clearly recall the visions he or she saw. Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana
sananho) works on restoring the body on a cellular level and is also known to aid in memory
enhancement.Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana Sananho) also known as Abuelo Sanango38
or Grandfather Sanango. It is a well known plant Spirit doctor growing in the upper Amazon
basin. It is taken as a health tonic for the treatment of many ailments. The locals use it as a
febrifuge (fever reducer), emetic, diuretic, and calmative, and it can aid in the healing and
realigning of the muscular and skeletal systems. Uchu Sanango has also been known to perform
as a memory enhancer. The alkaloids help reset our neural pathways allowing neurotransmitters
to be received, thereby enhancing memory. It also works at the cellular level, cleansing and
restoring as it moves throughout the body. It is a powerful doctor spirit and can provide
immense healing, guidance, and strength during Ayahuasca ceremonies. It is commonly added
to the Ayahuasca brew at the Shaman’s discretion. Uchu Sanango is also known as “peppery” or
“fiery” Sanango. It utilizes a “hot” energy while moving through the body, burning negative
energy at the cellular level. It is also hot and spicy to the taste. The intense effects may make the
dieter physically off-balance, weakened, dizzy, and can induce vomiting, diarrhea, sweating,
and the experience of an electrical “buzzing” sensation. This is due to the intense and
accelerated releasing of toxins, energy, tensions, and blockages in the body. The eyesight can
also be adversely affected (blurred vision). The dieter can also expect to be in a dreamlike state
while awake. This is the ideal state for the Sanango spirit to come into union and commune with
the dieter. The strongest physical discomfort usually passes by the 3rd day of the diet. Each
dieter will have different physical reactions to this medicine. Support is always available if one
needs help bathing or going to the bathroom. If the dieter is open and ready with a sense of
respect, the Sanango plant is a very powerful and efficient teacher. The Sanango will induce a
“reboot” program on multiple levels within the body. All the discomforts that accompany a
Sanango diet are a result of the ‘hard reboot’ taking place. The dieter will remain in isolation for
8 days and is encouraged to take frequent baths, possibly with leaves if prescribed by the
Shaman. Bathing is very important while on this diet in order to cool the body and cleanse it of
released toxins. The cool stream water is extremely refreshing, especially during the more
challenging phases of the diet. When it is time to break the diet, the Shaman will administer a
salt mouthwash and the dieter may re-enter the group and society as a whole.

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