Pinon Colorado
Pinon Colorado
Jatropha gossypifolia L.
Leaf. A decoction taken orally is purgative, vomitive and stomachic; it cures disturbances of liver and bladder. The leaves also have diuretic effects and are applied for kidney trouble and for diabetes; additionally they have anticatarrhal effects. Locally applied they cure arthritis. A decoction or infusion of the leaves is em- ployed for colics (cASTILLO et al. 1992).
Sap. A sap of the leaves is applied on wounds to control haemorrhage. To drain purulent wounds, a decoction of the leaves is mixed with castor oil. Persistent diarrhoea is cured with a leaf decoction. A leaf decoction is also applied for colics and disorders of the spleen, for venereal diseases, stomach aches (emetic), biliary disturbances, diseases of
the liver and fever. A leaf decoction mixed with castor oil is also applied to the skin to make pustules burst. The sap
of the leaves is haemostatic and cures mouth ulcers.
A cataplasm of fresh crushed leaves is used for swollen breasts, fractures and bruises. The leaf is also used for anorexia and as a vulnerary. A decoction of the leaf buds orally taken (together with some other healing plants) is used to cure diarrhoea.
Bark. The bark in decoction is abortive and an emmenagogum and cures venereal diseases. A de- coction of the bark is also antiblennorrhagic (CASTILLO et al. 1992).
Latex. The latex is used as an antipyretic and for buccal ulcers. It has haemostatic effects and is applied for haemorrhoids and burnings. A wad of cotton-wool soaked in the latex soothes tooth ache. Branches. To cure diabetes, young branches are macerated in water.
A decoction of branches and leaves prepared as a bath is used for exanthema and eruptions of the skin.
Root. The root in infusion it taken as an em- menagogue and as an abortive. A decoction of the root cures oedema and diabetes. It is also used in cases of indigestion.
Flower. Flowers are said to cure asthma. Flowering branches are also diuretic and cure the urinary tract ailments.
Fruit. The fruit has molluscicidal properties.
This information is gathered directly from:
South American Medicinal Plants- Ingred Roth, 1906