Strong paste blend of Cumala (Virolla calophylla) and pashaca
of the Ocaina tribe, 100X Extract Peruvian Amazon.
Strong paste blend of Cumala (Virolla calophylla) and pashaca of the Ocaina
tribe, 100X Extract Peruvian Amazon. Also available as powdered aqueous
extract upon request.
Useful wood. Bark is narcotic, used for fungal infections, malaria. Ashes of bark are put on festering wounds. Leaves and bark are applied to a skin disease causing spots of discoloration. Leaves and twigs are used for arthritis and skin infections. Leaves serve for colics and dyspepsia. Leaves are rubbed on the gum of teething children. Leaves are also used for mites and skin infections. Pulverized leaves are applied as an insect repellent. Leaves are also the source of hallucinogens.
The fat extracted from the seeds contains myristic acid. It is used for rheumatism as well as for the manufacture of soap and candles. The bark exu- date, a resin, stops bleeding from cuts, it is further more wound healing and used for haemorrhoids. It helps also against fungal infections.
Tea of leaves for colics and dyspepsia. Bark exudate for erysipelas. Infusion of bark for cleansing and healing of wounds, also applied to haemorrhoids. Seeds are the source
of a butter rich in myristic acid. The species contains large oil cells in the bark and in the leaf. ROTH studied the bark structure 1981, leaf structure 1984, fruit structure and dispersal 1987.
This information is gathered directly from:
South American Medicinal Plants by Ingred Roth, 1906