Cumaceba Bark
Cumaceba Bark
Swartzia polyphyla
Main actions: antibacterial, antiseptic, anticandidal, tonic, anti-rheumatic
Main uses: for rheumatism and arthritis; for painful and/or inflamed joint,
muscle and/or bone conditions; as a female hormonal tonic, and aphrodisiac;
for candida, yeast infections and fungal infections; for colds, flu, tuberculosis
and other upper respiratory bacterial infections.
Cautions: None known.
In the Amazon, the bark and/or wood of the cumaseba tree is employed as a postpartum tonic, for rheumatism, and to speed the healing of bone fractures and dislocations. The Tirio Indians in Suriname prepare the bark in a decoction for malaria. The Shipibo-Conibo Indians in the Peruvian Amazon use the bark as an antiseptic, and use the tree resin dropped into the eyes for eye infections, failing eyesight and for optic nerve injuries. Other tribes in the Amazon believe that the tree bark gives strength and prevents laziness. It is also used to strengthen the body during illness and to speed healing.
In Peruvian herbal medicine systems cumaseba bark is considered an aphrodisiac and tonic; it is recommended for yeast infections, colds and flu, rheumatism, for female disorders and as a postpartum tonic.
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